Pat Bill Tandem

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers


Week of 08-08

Pat Bill Tandem

“Slow down!”

“It’s not my fault that you have little legs, Pat.”

“It is. You have all of the good genes.”

“You’re older than me!”

“That’s not my fault.”

“How can you blame me then?”

Muscles are burning. No one needs this. “Why are we doing this?”

“I wanted you to use your little legs for once and do something active.”

“Mom made you do it, didn’t she?”


Breathless. He’s breathless too. Here comes another hill. This is it- I’m actually dying. Tomb stone will read: Here lies fat Pat. He never made it up that hill. It burns. “How much?”

“Ten dollars.”

At least we freestyle down. Bill breaks sharply, almost sending me flying into his sweaty back. “We’re done. How do you feel?”

Tired. Sweaty. Chaffed. Thirsty. I catch my breath after a while. “You know what? I don’t actually feel that terrible. It was pretty good.”

Bill smiles and we let the old bike fall onto the grass. “Never again?”

“Never again.”

We do this every Sunday. I hate it.

(174 words)


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