Mystery shed

Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers

Thank you Phylor for our photo prompt!

Mystery shed

My granny had an old shed in the back garden. She kept it locked up tight, not even my friend Jimmy could get it open, and he was the best lock picker I knew.

She always caught us. Granny would place her hand on your shoulder and steer you back into the house to a cup of tea.

I was with her many years later, on holiday from University, when she passed a key over the plastic covered table to me. Her hair was completely silver then, and her right hand ravaged by arthritis. I waited until she went to bed before I made the walk to the shed.

The key fit. The lock turned effortlessly. My heart pounded in my throat. I wished I had called Jimmy to come see, but he was still serving time. Grandpa’s unfinished projects sat waiting. I was the only grandchild who had shown interest in carpentry.

I finished the little bear sculpture he had been working on. Granny kept it by her side until she left us.

(174 words)

No random foxes made it into this week’s story.

15 thoughts on “Mystery shed

  1. Sweet story! I had to laugh at Jimmy being the best lock picker and was now serving time. Haha! Loved the ending where the shed’s secrets were unfinished projects of her grandfather. Great story!


  2. such a legacy to finish the grandfathers project, such an honour to be the chosen one too….poor Jimmy, up to no good since young and look where he is now….a good story!


  3. I love the detail of Jimmy now serving time, though I think having the key would probably have taken some of his enjoyment out of finally being able to open the door! Lovely story. 🙂


  4. A lovely story played out over a number of years. The ending is really nice and I can imagine her sculpting that little bear and Grandma cherishing it. I also loved the bit of humour with Jimmy’s skill at lock-picking! It didn’t do him much good in life, did it? Lol. Well done.


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